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Such a soft dialect!

Arabic in General, as it may be known for, is associated with several strong sounds that don't exist in many other languages making it a...

What if!

The word IF The word "If" is one of the little words, or particles that a learner of a second language find interesting to learn, because...

What Is It Then With Qaaf ق!?

The letter قاف Qaaf ق is one of four letters that are not pronounced properly in Levantine like in the standard FusHa. As FusHa is known...

Moo vs. Mish

As we all know, Levantine is a dialect spoken in Bilaad Shaam (Shaam Countries) and the members of this family are four countries; but...

Why Levanteeni, not Levantine!

Levantine is an Arabic dialect spoken in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine. Syria has the largest share of speakers as it has the...

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